C POD is the perfect chat pod for 2-3 people for small group discussions in a space that provides no distractions and privacy. Fitted out with a laminated work bench and power.
Internal dimensions 2000 x 1120 x 2000h
External dimensions 2200 x 1200 x 2170h
Area 2.64m3
D POD is perfect for holding small group meetings, brainstorming sessions and one on one conversations away from any other disturbances. Suitable for 2-4 people and fitted out with power supply to keep you connected.
Internal dimensions 2000 x 1120 x 2000h
External dimensions 2200 x 1200 x 2000h
Area 2.24m3
M POD is a meeting room that can comfortably seat 6-10 people. Laminated meeting table is included along with power supply to keep everyone connected. M POD is spacious enough to be fitted out with sofas, tables, chairs and whiteboards.
Internal dimensions 2200 x 2920 x 2000h
External dimensions 2400 x 3000 x 2170h
Area 6.8m3
S POD is a single person private workspace suitable for uninterrupted work and private conference calls. S Pod includes laminated shelf.
Internal dimensions 800 x 910 x 2000h
External dimensions 1000 x 1000 x 2170h
Area 1.9m3
W POD is a single person private workspace fitted out with a laminated desk suitable for an uninterrupted workspace and private conference calls. Power supply enables multiple devices for conference calls and / or study sessions.
Internal dimensions 1600 x 1120 x 2000h
External dimensions 1800 x 1200 x 2170h
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